Download free slenderman game the eight pages
Download free slenderman game the eight pages

A couple of the textures I was using were actually some sort of procedurally generated thing instead of a normal texture. Okay, I believe I figured out what's causing the lag for some people at the beginning of the game. Just an idea though, the game is looking amazing already! This would make it so that every time you want to use your flashlight, you'll be worried about where SM is. SM takes longer to spot you), but if you have your flashlight off when SM is close, he decides to go in for the kill slightly earlier? This is just an idea, but what if you made it so that whether the player has the flashlight out or not matters? Maybe if SM is a long ways away, having the flashlight off makes him approach slightly slower (ie. * Would be nice to be able to set mouse sensitivity I looking down the path, so I'm guessing SM was in sight, but not within flashlight range. I couldn't see him, but I heard the static, so it gave away his position. * At one point, I turned to see if SM was there. Maybe if you added in a muffled "knock" sound, and mixed it over the footsteps? That way, you'd have a regular floor sound, but it would also sound like you still had dirt on your shoes * Also, the footsteps are the same indoors as outdoors. However, I tried shining my flashlight back into the building after I went out, and it lit up the tile and floor. * In the brick building with the tile floor, as I exited, I noticed that my flashlight wasn't shining on the "outermost" section of the tile and brick very much. ***Dies horrible death a few seconds later*** ***Horrible sound makes me jerk the mouse around and lose my orientation even more*** Turns back and is scared out of mind by a tree*** ***Turns around to look for SM while still walking. The forum thread seemed to indicate he would appear after 3 notes." ***After searching for a while, found 1 note*** I was running it on a Mac at full resolution, with graphics set to "Beautiful". So, it's my first time playing the game, and here's my thought process.

Download free slenderman game the eight pages